mina gishi is an inconspicuous , innocuous (if eccentric) accountant who often haunts the quicksand in ul'dah. naturally, she is concerned with efficiency and hopes to further technological progress for all spokenkind...

renown sharlayan field-researcher poh rhen has recently returned from her position in kugane after troubling happenings made her call into question her safety. whispers of her daughter's disappearance are commonly exchanged between those among her cohort.

tucked away in the corner of the seedier pits of eorzea (and beyond!) with gin and a weighty tome, sits an unassumingly dressed miqo'te scribbling in a palm-sized notebook. should these scrawlings be glimpsed, one notices them to be a string of random numbers... how peculiar. hang on... her ears just swiveled around. is she... eavesdropping?

were one to keep up with her drunken exchanges (of which there are many), they may notice her stories don't quite add up... and what's with that accent? noticeably hingan, maybe a hint of... sharlayan? features... but didn't the woman say she was from aldenard?

moon-friendly🌙 last update: 09/06/24

goro rhen...

  1. would see the world burn if it meant she got what she wanted.

  2. was prone to bouts of obsessively following her curiosities, no matter how far into the dark they took her.

the paradox of these co-existing statements created a firestorm of a woman whose only real allegiance was to her own caprice. despite this, trauma-warped emotions lead her to speak of things such as 'devotion' and 'servitude' to a single entity as dogma, as penance for her past transgressions.

now... she finds herself buoyant; truly, entirely unfettered from the miserable abyss she erred to make her home. old habits die hard, though, and her penchant for adrenaline may prove the woman formerly known as 'goro rhen' yet lives...

affiliations & bonds

this page is on-going! i want to try and have blurbs for most of minavegoro's most important connections. if you are not listed, it is either early on or i haven't had the chance to update yet!

supernal, inc.

ambling about her usual haunt one evening, goro happened upon a friendly debate -- what makes something real? here, an intriguing cast of characters and a pristine business card caught her attention, prompting her to attend a job fair led by the upstart company.

the ikigai

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a tellus tincidunt, suscipit purus non, facilisis erat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam eget ligula hendrerit, porta purus sit amet, scelerisque erat. Mauris sed risus viverra, tincidunt elit vestibulum, lobortis dui. Fusce.

mokumokuren dhom-kai

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a tellus tincidunt, suscipit purus non, facilisis erat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam eget ligula hendrerit, porta purus sit amet, scelerisque erat. Mauris sed risus viverra, tincidunt elit vestibulum, lobortis dui. Fusce.

runh'to bajhiri

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a tellus tincidunt, suscipit purus non, facilisis erat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam eget ligula hendrerit, porta purus sit amet, scelerisque erat. Mauris sed risus viverra, tincidunt elit vestibulum, lobortis dui. Fusce.



name kei
age 30+
pronouns they/s/he
timezone gmt -4/5 (est/edt)
availability typically after 6pm, weekends open
contact walkups when IC, /tell

please understand that roleplaying is my primary hobby and i devote a lot of time and attention to it. naturally, not everyone commits the same amount of energy to the hobby, but i do ask that you respect mine. here are some guidelines to help ensure that.

  • i have been roleplaying within xiv for about a year, but have been roleplaying elsewhere for well over ten years.

  • i'm simply not interested in horny for horny's sake. i enjoy writing smut and will write it (potentially a lot!) if our characters have chemistry & it pertains to their story or plot overall. it needs to be earned.

  • i prefer writing with those who are 21+, but so long as you are not a minor, i will write with you. regardless, i expect my writing partners to handle matters in a mature fashion.

  • quality before quantity is important to me. if the scene's pacing calls for it, don't be afraid to throw out a one liner -- it can make or break tension. that said, if there is no substance, do not expect me to keep writing with you.

  • repeated breaching of the boundaries set below will result in me cutting you off, potentially with no warning:

  • erp without consent

  • first-person narration

  • godmoding & metagaming

  • ic/ooc blurring

  • this is the only situation in which i will not communicate my intent to you, and rest assured that it is only done after repeated instances of boundary-breaking.

  • if you are ever uncertain about how i feel regarding something, please ask me. communication is important and i'm more than willing to talk things out.


  • lore compliance

  • lore bending within reason (i.e. can be explained with existing lore)

  • character development

  • comedy & banter

  • walk-up / tell

  • dark themes, handled with tact

  • long term storylines

  • slowburn. in regards to romance lines, this is crucial.


retroactive scenes

  • typically okay, will probably be written via discord and should have a trajectory planned out.


  • if we are writing off-the-cuff and it looks like our scene is going to take multiple hours to write, i prefer it's taken to discord. however, my writing pace on discord is much slower. if what we're writing needs to happen in a more timely manner, in-game is best.

  • random erp

  • undiscussed serious maiming or outright killing of my character


  • i like being surprised and not fully knowing where things are going in most cases. intrigue is a big draw of rp for me. that said, please do not lie (even by omission) to me ooc in order to 'build intrigue', it's bad form and tacky.